Monastic Wales.

Event detail for site: St Tudwal\'s Island

c. 1409: Foundation

The origins of the priory are uncertain.

There was a community of Augustinian Canons here seemingly
by the late thirteenth century although they may not have arrived until the early fifteenth century. The first reference to an Augustinian community is in 1410.
The site was perhaps previously occupied by an early medieval community.

Bibliographical sources

Printed sources

The Heads of Religious Houses in England and Wales, III, 1377-1540, ed. David M. Smith (CUP: Cambridge, 2008) p. 519

Medieval Religious Houses, England and Wales, ed. R. Neville Hadcock and David Knowles (Harlow, 1971) p. 173

Johns, C. N., 'The Celtic monasteries of north Wales', Transactions of the Caernarvonshire Historical Society, 21 (1960) pp. 26-27

Robinson, David M., The Geography of Augustinian Settlement in Medieval England and Wales, BAR British Series, 80, 2 vols (Oxford, 1980) p. 38

Other events in the history of this site

c.1409Foundation - The origins of the priory are uncertain.  [4 sources]
1509Fine levied - The prior of St Tudwal's was fined for neglecting to attend the Augustinian general chapter. [1 sources]
c.1536Dissolution - The priory was dissolved under the 1536 Act of Suppression. [1 sources]
