Monastic Wales.

Event detail for site: Basingwerk

1253: Concession

The community received permission from the Cistercian General Chapter to celebrate St Winifred's Feast Day (3 November) as a Feast of Twelve Lessons.

Bibliographical sources

Printed sources

Statuta Capitulorum Generalium Ordinis Cisterciensis ab Anno 1116 ad Annum 1786, 8 vols, ed. Josef Canivez (Louvain, 1933-1941) vol. 2, p. 394

Robinson, David M., The Cistercians in Wales: Architecture and Archaeology 1130-1540, Society of Antiquaries of London, Research Committee Report (London, 2006) p. 226

Other events in the history of this site

c.1131Foundation - The community likely arrived in 1131 but no later than 1132.  [2 sources]
1147Reconstitution - The Order of Savigny joined the Cistercian Order and Basingwerk duly became a Cistercian house. [2 sources]
1157Relocation - Basingwerk became a dependency of Buildwas and likely moved site at this time.  [3 sources]
1188Visit - Gerald of Wales and Archbishop Baldwin stayed at the house while preaching the Crusade. [1 sources]
pre 1240Patronage - The community received Gelli as a gift from Prince Llywelyn ab Iorwerth. [3 sources]
1240Patronage - Prince Dafydd ap Llywelyn (d. 1246) granted the community the church of Holywell and the shrine chapel of St Winifred.  [2 sources]
1253Concession - The community received permission from the Cistercian General Chapter to celebrate St Winifred's Feast Day (3 November) as a Feast of Twelve Lessons. [2 sources]
1276-7; 1282-1283Destruction - The abbey sustained extensive damage during the Edwardian Wars. [2 sources]
c.1280Appointment - Edward I appointed one of the monks chaplain of his new castle at Flint. [1 sources]
1284Compensation - The house was awarded £100 compensation from Edward I for damages incurred during the warfare. [2 sources]
1290Royal concession - The abbey received royal permission from Edward I to hold a weekly market at the annual fair of Glossop. [2 sources]
c.1291Wealth - According to the Taxatio Ecclesiastica commissioned by Pope Nicholas IV Basingwerk had a recorded annual income of £68 8s 0d. [3 sources]
1292Concession - The community was granted royal permission to hold a weekly market at the annual fair of Holywell. [2 sources]
1295Royal summons - The abbot of Basingwerk was one of four Welsh Cistercian abbots to be summoned to Edward I's parliament. [1 sources]
c.1346Hospitality - The abbot of Basingwerk claimed that his house was burdened with hospitality since it was near the road. [1 sources]
1347Numbers - At this time there were about twenty monks at Basingwerk. [1 sources]
c.1355Devastation - At this time the abbey was described as in a ruinous state. [1 sources]
1379Clerical taxation - The abbot of Basingwerk appeared in the 1379 clerical taxation. [1 sources][1 archives]
c.1405Destruction - In the early fifteenth century Basingwerk encouraged pilgrims to visit its shrine at Holywell, seemingly in the hope that this would raise funds to help towards reconstruction work. [1 sources]
1416Pilgrimage - Henry V made a pilgrimage, on foot, from Shrewsbury to Basingwerk's shrine of St Winifred's. [1 sources]
1454Deposition - Abbot Henry Wirral was arrested for various felonies in Flint and deposed from office. [1 sources]
1481 - 1522Restoration - Abbot Thomas Pennant restored the abbey's fortunes. Read more about Thomas. [1 sources]
1482 (18 June )Complaint - The abbot of Basingwerk was amongst those who complained about the abbot of Woburn. [1 sources]
1521Contributions to general funds - The abbot of Neath collected 20s from Basingwerk on behalf of the Cistercian General Chapter. [1 sources]
1526-1536Numbers - Under Abbot Nicholas there were about three monks. [1 sources]
c.1535Wealth - According to the Valor Ecclsiasticus the house had an estimated net income of £150 7s 3d. [3 sources][1 archives]
c.1536 (late) x spring 1537Dissolution - The precise date of the suppression of the abbey is not known but monastic life had certainly terminated at Basingwerk by spring 1537. [2 sources]
1537, 10 MayCustody of site - The site was leased to Hugh Starkey. [1 sources]
1540Custody of site - Ownership changed as the site was sold to Henry ap Harry of Llansa and Peter Mutton of Meliden. The Mostyns of Talacre later acquired the site.  [1 sources]
1923Ownership - The former site of the abbey passed into State care. [1 sources]
