Monastic Wales.

Event detail for site: Whitland

1491: Deposition of abbot

Abbot Huby of Fountains, reformator of the Cistercian houses in England and Wales, deposed the abbot of Whitland. 'for moral laxity and illicit contracts' [Williams, The Welsh Cistercians, p. 63].

This may have been Maurice.

Bibliographical sources

Printed sources

Letters to the General Chapter from the English Abbots to the Chapter at Cîteaux 1442-1521, Camden Society, series 4, ed. Charles H. Talbot (London, 1967) pp. 131-2

Williams, David H., The Welsh Cistercians (Leominster, 2001) p. 63

Other events in the history of this site

pre 1145Foundation - Whitland was the first of two houses in Wales to be colonised direct from Clairvaux and spawned a number of daughter-houses.
 [2 sources]
c.1151Relocation - Following the death of Bishop Bernard of St David's, the community relocated to Whitland. [3 sources]
1160s (late)Patronage - Rhys ap Gruffudd assumed patronage of the house and added to the community's endowments. [2 sources]
1164Founds daughter-house - Whitland founded its first daughter-house at Strata Florida. [1 sources]
pre 1166Patronage - By 1166 Rhys ap Gruffudd had confirmed and extended the abbey's original grant of Hendy-gwyn ar Dâf. [1 sources]
1170Founds daughter-house - Whitland founded its second daughter-house at Stata Marcella. [1 sources]
1176Founds daughter-house - Whitland founded a daughter-house at Cwmhir. [1 sources]
1186Burial - Rhys's son, Cadwaladr, was buried at the house. [1 sources]
1188Visit - Gerald of Wales and Archbishop Baldwin stayed at the abbey while preaching the Crusade. [1 sources]
1200Founds daughter-house - On 25 January Whitland founded a daughter-house at Comber, Co. Down, Ireland. [3 sources]
1220Burden of hospitality - Abbots travelling from Ireland to the General Chapter at Cîteaux often broke their journey at Whitland.  [3 sources]
1224Founds daughter-house - A second daughter-house was founded in Ireland - at Tracton, Co Cork. [4 sources]
1247Abbey invaded - Nicholas, lord of Cemais, Patrick de Chaworth, lord of Kilwelly and of Carew, accompanied by Stephen Bauzan and a band of knights, invaded the abbey.  [1 sources]
1258Plundered - Whitland was plundered by royalists on 4 February; abbey servants were killed in the skirmish. [2 sources]
1271Burial - Maredudd ap Rhys Gryg WAS buried at the front steps of the High Altar. [1 sources]
c.1291Wealth - According to the Taxatio Ecclesiastica Whitland had an estimated income of £43 15s 4d, a rather insignificant amount and perhaps a consequence of damages incurred during the Edwardian wars. [5 sources]
1295Royal visit - Edward I stayed at the house on 5 June 1295, during the revolts. [1 sources]
1377Clerical poll tax - Payments demanded from the community. [1 sources][1 archives]
1379Clerical poll tax - Payments required from the community. [1 sources][1 archives]
c.1405Glyn Dŵr rebellion - The abbot of Whitland was accused of being a rebel and of supporting Glyn Dŵr. [3 sources]
c.1440Decline - Abbot David (1433-43) claimed that his house had been devastated to such an extent by warfare and fire that the monastery's revenues and resources could barely support him and his eight monks. [2 sources]
1491Deposition of abbot - Abbot Huby of Fountains, reformator of the Cistercian houses in England and Wales, deposed the abbot of Whitland. 'for moral laxity and illicit contracts' [Williams, The Welsh Cistercians, p. 63]. [2 sources]
c.1496Murder - A monk of Neath Abbey who was staying at Whitland killed a secular priest in the cloister. [3 sources]
c.1535Wealth - According to the Valor Ecclesiasticus the house had a net income of £135 3s 69d. [3 sources]
1539Dissolution - While Whitland was dissolved following the 1536 Act of Suppression, it was re-founded in April 1537 but finally closed in February 1539. [4 sources]
