Monastic Wales.

Event detail for site: Whitland

c. 1535: Wealth

According to the Valor Ecclesiasticus the house had a net income of £135 3s 69d.

Accordingly, Whitland was closed in the first wave of suppression.

Bibliographical sources

Printed sources

Valor ecclesiasticus temp. Henr. VIII. Auctoritate regia institutus, Record Commission. Great Britain, 6, vols, ed. John Caley and J. Hunter (London, 1810-1834, reprint 1976) vol. 4, pp. 407-8

Robinson, David M., The Cistercians in Wales: Architecture and Archaeology 1130-1540, Society of Antiquaries of London, Research Committee Report (London, 2006) p. 294

Web links (open in new window)

Detail of Valor Ecclesiasticus (View website)

Other events in the history of this site

pre 1145Foundation - Whitland was the first of two houses in Wales to be colonised direct from Clairvaux and spawned a number of daughter-houses.
 [2 sources]
c.1151Relocation - Following the death of Bishop Bernard of St David's, the community relocated to Whitland. [3 sources]
1160s (late)Patronage - Rhys ap Gruffudd assumed patronage of the house and added to the community's endowments. [2 sources]
1164Founds daughter-house - Whitland founded its first daughter-house at Strata Florida. [1 sources]
pre 1166Patronage - By 1166 Rhys ap Gruffudd had confirmed and extended the abbey's original grant of Hendy-gwyn ar Dâf. [1 sources]
1170Founds daughter-house - Whitland founded its second daughter-house at Stata Marcella. [1 sources]
1176Founds daughter-house - Whitland founded a daughter-house at Cwmhir. [1 sources]
1186Burial - Rhys's son, Cadwaladr, was buried at the house. [1 sources]
1188Visit - Gerald of Wales and Archbishop Baldwin stayed at the abbey while preaching the Crusade. [1 sources]
1200Founds daughter-house - On 25 January Whitland founded a daughter-house at Comber, Co. Down, Ireland. [3 sources]
1220Burden of hospitality - Abbots travelling from Ireland to the General Chapter at Cîteaux often broke their journey at Whitland.  [3 sources]
1224Founds daughter-house - A second daughter-house was founded in Ireland - at Tracton, Co Cork. [4 sources]
1247Abbey invaded - Nicholas, lord of Cemais, Patrick de Chaworth, lord of Kilwelly and of Carew, accompanied by Stephen Bauzan and a band of knights, invaded the abbey.  [1 sources]
1258Plundered - Whitland was plundered by royalists on 4 February; abbey servants were killed in the skirmish. [2 sources]
1271Burial - Maredudd ap Rhys Gryg WAS buried at the front steps of the High Altar. [1 sources]
c.1291Wealth - According to the Taxatio Ecclesiastica Whitland had an estimated income of £43 15s 4d, a rather insignificant amount and perhaps a consequence of damages incurred during the Edwardian wars. [5 sources]
1295Royal visit - Edward I stayed at the house on 5 June 1295, during the revolts. [1 sources]
1377Clerical poll tax - Payments demanded from the community. [1 sources][1 archives]
1379Clerical poll tax - Payments required from the community. [1 sources][1 archives]
c.1405Glyn Dŵr rebellion - The abbot of Whitland was accused of being a rebel and of supporting Glyn Dŵr. [3 sources]
c.1440Decline - Abbot David (1433-43) claimed that his house had been devastated to such an extent by warfare and fire that the monastery's revenues and resources could barely support him and his eight monks. [2 sources]
1491Deposition of abbot - Abbot Huby of Fountains, reformator of the Cistercian houses in England and Wales, deposed the abbot of Whitland. 'for moral laxity and illicit contracts' [Williams, The Welsh Cistercians, p. 63]. [2 sources]
c.1496Murder - A monk of Neath Abbey who was staying at Whitland killed a secular priest in the cloister. [3 sources]
c.1535Wealth - According to the Valor Ecclesiasticus the house had a net income of £135 3s 69d. [3 sources]
1539Dissolution - While Whitland was dissolved following the 1536 Act of Suppression, it was re-founded in April 1537 but finally closed in February 1539. [4 sources]
