Monastic Wales.

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The Premonstratensian Order was founded in 1120 by St Norbert of Xanten at Premontre. The Canons were sometimes called the 'Norbertines', after their founder, or the 'White Canons', after the colour of their habit. The Order was strongly influenced by the Cistercians but members followed the Rule of St Augustine, rather than the Rule of St Benedict. This letter was compiled by St Augustine of Hippo (d. c. 430) and sets down a schedule for daily communal devotion and emphasises the importance of charity, obedience and individual poverty. There was only one Premonstratensian house founded in Wales; this was Talley Abbey, Carmarthenshire, c. 1185.

Sites associated with this order

Talley Abbey, Carmarthenshire

Related articles on Monastic Wales

Remnants of Talley Abbey,

Bibliographical sources

24 Printed sources

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6 On-line sources

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Premonstratensian sites

1 Talley Carmarthenshire (Abbey)
