s is set People: Clement
Monastic Wales.

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Clement , prior of Llanthony

Died: 1169?   

Prior of Llanthony and theologian.

Clement entered Llanthony as a boy and was seemingly related to Earl Miles of Hereford - they may have been brothers. Clement became sub-prior of the house and then presided as prior but the chronicler of the house complained that in his later years he was guilty of nepotism and lost the respect of the brethren.
However, the chronicler did acknowledge and commend Clement's learning, the eloquence of his style and how his 'piercing wit, his solid judgement and sound faith' were apparent in his writings. Clement wrote a number of theological works which were widely circulated. He was the most prolific of Llanthony's theologians.
Gerald of Wales was similarly praiseworthy of Clement's learning and critical of his abilities to maintain discipline. In his Journey through Wales he remarked:

Prior Clement seemed to be attached to the place and he spent much of his time there in study and prayer. All the same he followed the example of the priest Eli, in that he made no attempt to reprove the brothers or to restrain them when they plundered the house and committed other outrages. In the end he died from a paralytic stroke. [Gerald of Wales, Journey through Wales, trans. Thorpe, pp. 98-9.]

Sites associated with this person

Llanthony Prima Priory, Monmouthshire (prior)

Bibliographical sources

Printed sources

A Handlist of the Latin Writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540, Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin, 1, ed. Richard Sharpe (Brepols: Turnhout, 1997) pp. 86-89

'Foundation history [Llanthony]', in The Ancient and Present State of Gloucester, 2 vols, ed. Sir Robert Atkyns (Gloucester, 1712, repr. 1974) vol. 1, p. 514

Cowley, F. G., The Monastic Order in South Wales 1066-1349 (Cardiff, 1977) pp. 151-2

Crampin, C. M., 'Llanthony Prima : An Assessment of Medieval Library Culture at Augustinian Houses in Wales' (M.Sc. (Econ.) thesis: University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 2003)

Gerald of Wales (Giraldus Cambrensis), Gerald of Wales, The Journey Through Wales / The Description of Wales (Harmondsworth, 1978) pp. 98-99

Roberts, G., 'Some account of Llanthony Priory, Monmouthshire', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 1:3 (1846) p. 62

Williams, David H., 'Llanthony Prima Priory', The Monmouthshire Antiquary, 25-26 (2009-2010) p. 21

Web links (open in new window)

Evans, G. R., Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online - Clement of Llanthony (View website) (Subscription reqd.)
