s is set People: Abbots of Grace Dieu
Monastic Wales.

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Abbots of Grace Dieu

List of the known abbots of Grace Dieu.

John: occurs as abbot in March 1236 but was no longer officiating as abbot in the November.

Walter: occurs as abbot in July 1236.

Roger: occurs as abbot in August 1246.

William: occurs as abbot of Grace Dieu in 1267.

Warin: occurs as abbot in August and September 1281.

Robert de Wormbrigg: occurs as abbot in 1286.

'A.': occurs as abbot before 1304, although as Smith and London explain it is not clear if 'A.'relates to the abbot or if this is 'a year-book convention'.

Robert: occurs as abbot in 1350 and May 1351.

Roger of Chepstow: ?-1351, when he resigned in July.
Note that Harper-Bill, 'Cistercian visitation in the late Middle Ages: the case of Hailes', Bull. of the Institute of Historical Research 53 (1980), 103-114 (p. 106), names him as Hugh of Chepstow.Read more about his resignation and the provisions for his retirement

William: occurs as abbot in 1373.

John Wysbeche: occurs as abbot of Grace Dieu before 1387. John subsequently presided as abbot of Tintern, from 1387 until 1407.

John Everdon: occurs as abbot in 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, and 1404.

(Richard Moyne?): may have presided as abbot c. 1427 but the document supposedly citing him is no longer known.

John: occurs as abbot in 1429.

Richard Clifford: occurs as abbot of Grace Dieu on 1 May 1447. He had previously presided as abbot of Dore in Herefordshire.

John Mitulton: ?-1484.
John occurs as abbot of the house in 1473 and on 31 August 1484 he is described as having lately resigned from office.
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Richard Dorston: occurs as abbot of the house in May 1486 and March 1488. He had left office certainly by 1495 when he was presiding as abbot of Dore.

Stephen Green (Grene): occurs as abbot of Grace Dieu in March and December 1515 but had left office certainly by 1521 when he was abbot of Buildwas.

John Ryldos (Byldos): occurs as abbot in 1530.

John: occurs as abbot of the house in June 1530x35.

John Rothwell (Rowthwelle): he had left office by September 1535 when he was awarded a pension as former abbot of Grace Dieu.

William Ipsley: occurs as abbot in September 1533. William had been a monk of Flaxley Abbey, Gloucestershire, where he was ordained 1517x24.

Thomas Perptn (Perpym): had left office by December 1534 when he was granted a pension as the former abbot of the house.

John Griffith / Griffiths: the final abbot of Grace Dieu, he occurs as abbot on various occasions from August 1534 until the dissolution of the house in September 1536. John may have formerly presided as abbot of Margam

Sites associated with this person

Grace Dieu Abbey, Monmouthshire

Bibliographical sources

Printed sources

The Heads of Religious Houses in England and Wales, II, 1216-1377, ed. D. M. Smith and V. London (CUP: Cambridge, 2001) pp. 283-4

The Heads of Religious Houses in England and Wales, III, 1377-1540, ed. David M. Smith (CUP: Cambridge, 2008) pp. 297-8

Williams, David H., 'John Mitulton, Abbot of Grace Dieu', Monmouthshire Antiquary, 2: 4 (1968/9), p. 203
