s is sets is set People: Lewis Môn
Monastic Wales.

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Lewis Môn

Died: 1527   

Welsh bard and native of Anglesey who spent time at the abbeys of Aberconwy and Valle Crucis where he made his final will and was seemingly buried.

About a hundred of Lewis's poems are extant. He was a contemporary and friend of the Welsh bard Tudur Aled.

Sites associated with this person

Maenan Abbey, Conwy (resident bard)

Valle Crucis Abbey, Denbighshire (resident bard)

Bibliographical sources

Printed sources

Thomas, D. R., 'Extracts from old wills relating to Wales', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th series, 11:43 (1880), p. 217–25

Web links (open in new window)

Williams, Gruffydd Aled, Oxford Dictionary of National Biography online - Lewys Môn (View website) (Subscription reqd.)
