Monastic Wales.

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Priors of Pembroke

A list of the known priors of Pembroke.

William de Cuchi: occurs as prior 1179x98.

Fulk: occurs as prior in October 1203.
Gerald of Wales described Fulk as his 'miserable adversary'.

Philip: occurs as prior 1203x14.

John de Quisse: occurs as prior 1231x47.
John was a monk of Séez. On 28 May 1246 there was a mandate for John to receive fealty and seisin of the house; 1242 x 47, the abbot of Séez appointed him custodian of Pembroke.

John: occurs as prior 1256x72; he should perhaps be identified with John de Quisse, above.

Ralph: ?- 1284.
Ralph was deposed in July 1284 by Archbishop Pecham who uncovered evidence of Ralph's crimes during his visitation of the house. Ralph was duly sent back to Séez.

John dictus Oysel: occurs as prior in May 1290 and June 1299 and should perhaps be identified with Abbot John III Loisel of Séez.

John dictus Sauvage: occurs as prior in May 1308. In a court case of 1341 he is said to have been in office in the time of King Edward I (1272-1307).

John de Alneyo: occurs as prior at Michelmas 1324.

William Menillo: occurs as prior at Easter 1330, March 1331, Michaelmass 1332, and 1333. He occurs as William in 1348, 1349, and 1353.

John de Vivacio (Vyviaco): 1357-?
A monk of Séez, the king granted him custody of the priory on 2 June 1357. He occurs as prior in November 1359 and April 1370. In December 1370 John was granted protection to travel to Rome to secure confirmation of his election to the abbacy of Séez.

Richard le Verrer:
Richard was a monk of Séez and was granted custody of the priory in July and October 1371.

John de Rougecok(e) (Rugecok): occurs as prior in December 1371, October 1377 and July 1379, as well as in 1380x81.
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John Galy: ?-1399; he was dead by 21 November 1399.

Gervase le Brek (Brek):
Gervase was a monk of Séez and was presented and admitted as prior of Pembroke in November 1399. He occurs as prior of the house on various occasions from then until February 1404.

Monastic life at Pembroke ceased from at least 1433 until 1471 when the former priory reopened as a cell of St Albans in Hertfordshire.

Ralph Rose (Rosee): 1471-?
Raph was a monk of St Albans and the first to hold the position of prior of Pembroke as a cell of the abbey. He occurs as prior on various occasions until October 1484.

Thomas Newland: is mentioned as prior of Pembroke in June 1492.

John Thorton: is mentioned as prior of the house in February 1495.

Thomas Pantwyn: occurs at Easter 1520 and in 1521, when he is said to have previously held the office of cellarer at St Albans.

John Warryn (Waren, Warin): ?-1535.
John acknowledged Royal Supremacy in 1534 and in November 1535 was given dispensation to resign from office and wear his habit under that of a secular priest. He was to hold a benefice with a cure.

Sites associated with this person

Pembroke Priory, Pembrokeshire

Bibliographical sources

Printed sources

The Heads of Religious Houses in England and Wales, I, 940-1216, ed. D. Knowles, C. Brooke and V. London (London, 1972; 2001) p. 107

The Heads of Religious Houses in England and Wales, II, 1216-1377, ed. D. M. Smith and V. London (CUP: Cambridge, 2001) p. 187

The Heads of Religious Houses in England and Wales, III, 1377-1540, ed. David M. Smith (CUP: Cambridge, 2008) pp. 199-200
