s is set People: Hugh, second earl of Stafford
Monastic Wales.

Display person:

Hugh, second earl of Stafford

Died: 1386   

Magnate and soldier, he joined the Black Prince on his campaigns and acted as a royal commissioner for Edward III and Richard II.

The earls of Stafford were lord of Newport until 1521. Hugh gave the town its firat charter in 1385.
Hugh died on pilgrimage to the Holy Land and was buried at Stone Priory in Staffordshire.

Sites associated with this person

Newport Friary, Newport (founder)

Bibliographical sources

Web links (open in new window)

Rawcliffe, Carole, ODNB online - Hugh, second earl of Stafford (View website) (Subscription reqd.)

Trett, Bob, An outline History of Medieval Newport (View website)
