s is set People: Wihenoc of Monmouth (de Monemue)
Monastic Wales.

Display person:

Wihenoc of Monmouth (de Monemue)

Wihenoc was a Breton who held Monmouth Castle for King William I and had lands in the vicinity of Dol; he later retired to the abbey of St Florent de Saumur and died as a monk of the house.

Sites associated with this person

Monmouth Priory, Monmouthshire (founder)

Bibliographical sources

Printed sources

Monasticon Anglicanum: a History of the Abbies and other Monasteries, Hospitals, Frieries, and Cathedral and Collegiate Churches, with their Dependencies, in England and Wales, 6 in 8 vols, ed. Sir William Dugdale, revised J. Caley, H. Ellis, B. Bandinel (London, 1817-1830) vol. 4, p. 595

Cowley, F. G., The Monastic Order in South Wales 1066-1349 (Cardiff, 1977) pp.14-15

Stöber, Karen, Late Medieval Monasteries and their Patrons: England and Wales, c.1300-1540, Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 29 (Woodbridge, 2007) pp. 13-14
