Monastic Wales.

Bibliographical and archival sources in the database

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Bibliographical sources

A Descriptive Account of the Devil's Bridge, Harford, Strata Florida Abbey, and Other Scenery in That District of Cardiganshire (7th edn; Gloucester, 1811)

A Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Library of Lambeth Palace, ed. M. R. James (Cambridge, 1932)

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Abbey Cwmhir, Radnorshire (View website)

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Acts of Welsh Rulers 1120-1283, ed. Huw Pryce (University of Wales: Cardiff, 2005)

Aerial photograph of Bardsey Island (View website)

Aerial photograph of Caldy Old Priory and St Mary's Priory (View website)

Aerial photograph of Cwmhir Abbey (View website)

Aerial photograph of Ewenny Priory (View website)

Aerial photograph of Ewenny Priory (1999) (View website)

Aerial photograph of Haverfordwest Priory, 1997 (View website)

Aerial photograph of Llanthony Prima (View website)

Aerial photograph of Margam Abbey (View website)

Aerial photograph of Neath Abbey Mansion, 1997 (View website)

Aerial photograph of Puffin Island (View website)

Aerial photograph of St Dogmael's Abbey (View website)

Aerial photograph of St John's Cathedral Brecon (former priory) (View website)

Aerial photograph of St Mary's Abbey, Bardsey (View website)

Aerial photograph of Strata Florida (View website)

Aerial photograph of Whitland Abbey (View website)

Annales Cambriae (AD 444-1288), Rolls Series, 20, ed. J. Williams ab Ithel (London, 1860)

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Bardsey Island Trust website (View website)

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'Basingwerk Abbey and the Priories of Denbigh and Rhuddlan', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th series, 12:47 (1881), pp. 212-217

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Cadw (View website)

Cadw -Strata Florida (View website)

Cadw - Cymer (View website)

Cadw - Denbigh Friary (View website)

Cadw - Ewenny (View website)

Cadw - Haverfordwest Priory (View website)

Cadw - Llanthony (View website)

Cadw - Neath (View website)

Cadw - Penmon Priory (View website)

Cadw - St Dogmaels (View website)

Cadw - Talley (View website)

Cadw - Tintern (View website)

Cadw - Valle Crucis (View website)

Caldey Island website (View website)

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Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers Relating to Great Britain and Ireland: Papal Letters, ed. William H. Blis, Charles Johnson, J. Twemlow, M. J. Haren, A. P. Fuller (London and Dublin, 1883-)

Calendar of the Charter Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office, 6 vols (London, 1903-1927)

Calendar of the Close Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office (HMSO: London, 1896-)

Calendar of the Liberate rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, ed. William Henry Stevenson and Cyril Thomas Flower (London, 1916-)

Calendar of the Patent Rolls Preserved in the Public Record Office (London, 1891-)

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Cartularium S. Johannis Baptiste de Carmarthen, ed. Sir T. Phillipps (Private: Cheltenham, 1895)

Celtic Culture: an Historical Encyclopedia, 5, ed. John T. Koch (ABC-Clio: Santa Barbara, California, 2006)

Church of St Seiriol, Penmon, Anglesey - stained glass window with late fifteenth-century fragments (View website)

'Cistercians in Wales and the West' (forthcoming)

'Citadels of God: Monasteries, Violence, and the Struggle for Power in Northern England, 1135-1154', in Anglo-Norman Studies, 31 (Boydell and Brewer: Woodbridge, 2008), pp. 17-30

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Cymmer Abbey, Merioneth, Office of Works, Department of Ancient Monuments & Historic Buildings, Official Guides (1934)

Detail of Valor Ecclesiasticus (View website)

Dictionary of Architecture, Architectural Publication Society, 8 vols (Architectural Publication Society: London, 1849-1892)

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'Foundation history [Llanthony]', in The Ancient and Present State of Gloucester, 2 vols, ed. Sir Robert Atkyns (Gloucester, 1712, repr. 1974), pp. 505-506

Gathering the Jewels - floor tile from Tintern Abbey (View website)

Gathering the Jewels - floor tile from Tintern Abbey (fleur-de-lys) (View website)

Gathering the Jewels - floor tile from Tintern Abbey (two birds feeding from a tree) (View website)

Gathering the Jewels - fourteenth-century mosaic tiles from Tintern Abbey (View website)

Gathering the Jewels - images from Strata Florida (View website)

Gathering the Jewels - medieval floor tile from Tintern Abbey (View website)

Gathering the Jewels - six images of late fifteenth-century tiles from Monmouth Priory (View website)

Gathering the Jewels - tile from Tintern Abbey (View website)

Gathering the Jewels website - images relating to Valle Crucis (View website)

Grotesque figure, a male gargoyle or waterspout, from Margam Abbey (View website)

Gwaith Lewys Glyn Cothi, ed. D. R. Johnstone (Cardiff, 1995)

Gwent In Prehistory and Early History: The Gwent County History, ed. Miranda Aldhouse-Green and Ray Howell (University of Wales: Cardiff, 2004)

Hanes Llandoch website -St Dogmaels (View website)

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Image of 13th-century top of capital from Haverfordwest Priory, Pembrokeshire (View website)

Image of 14th-century floor tile from Basingwerk Abbey, National Museums & Galleries of Wales (Item reference: 2000.30H/107) (View website)

Image of 14th-century floor tile from Basingwerk Abbey, National Museums & Galleries of Wales (Item reference: 2000.30H/29) (View website)

Image of 15th-century floor tile from Basingwerk Abbey, National Museums & Galleries of Wales (Item reference: 2000.30H/108) (View website)

Image of 15th-century floor tiles from Basingwerk Abbey, National Museums & Galleries of Wales (Item reference: 2000.30H/44) (View website)

Image of bookclasps and tweezers from Carmarthen Friary (Franciscan) (View website)

Image of cresset stone, Brecon (View website)

Image of glazed tiles from Llanfaes Friary (Franciscan) (View website)

Image of glazed tiles from Llanfaes Friary - showing acorn (View website)

Image of impression from 14th-c seal of Ewenny Priory (View website)

Image of medieval floor tile, Talley Abbey (View website)

Image of Neath Abbey Charter, c. 1200 (View website)

Image of Oath of allegiance to Henry VIII and his successors, 1534 (View website)

Image of Priory Cell, Puffin Island (View website)

Image of the foundation charter of Neath Abbey, 1130 (View website)

Image of the foundation charter of Neath Abbey (reverse) (View website)

Image of what is thought to be the tomb of Princess Joan (Siwan) (View website)

Images of 14th-century tripod ewer and 16th-century ewer from Strata Florida Abbey (View website)

'Impression from the second common seal of Margam Abbey, mid-14th century until 1536' (c. 1350xc1536)

John Speed's Map of Cardiff, 1610 (image) (View website)

Letters and Papers Foreign and Domestic, of the reign of Henry VIII, 1509-47, 23 in 38 vols, ed. J.S. Brewer, R.H. Brodie and J. Gairdner (London, 1862- 1932)

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Littere Wallie, ed. J. Goronwy Evans (Cardiff University of Wales Press: Cardiff, 1940)

Littere Wallie preserved in Liber A in the Public Record Office, ed. J. G. Edwards (University of Wales Press: Cardiff, 1940)

Llandaff Episcopal Acta 1140-1287, Publications of the South Wales Record Society, 5, ed. David Crouch (South Wales Record Society: Cardiff, 1988)

Llyfr Du Caerfyrddin, ed. A. O. H. Jarman (University of Wales: Cardiff, 1982)

Maenan Abbey Hotel (View website)

Manuscript depiction of Edward I creating his son Prince of Wales, 1301 (View website)

Margam Abbey website (View website)

Mediaeval Religious Houses: Ireland, ed. Aubrey Gwynn and R. Neville Hadcock (Longmans: London, 1970)

Medieval and Early Post-Medieval Newport Selected Documentary and Written References relating to its Topography, including to the roads, gates, churches, chantries, town walls, the Great Bailey etc (View website)

Medieval floor tiles from Neath Abbey (View website)

Medieval grave markers from Strata Florida (View website)

Medieval Libraries of Great Britain: A List of Surviving Books, ed. N. R. Ker (Royal Historical Society: 2nd edn; London, 1964)

Medieval Monasteries of Great Britain, ed. Lionel Butler and Christopher Given-Wilson (London, 1979)

Medieval Religious Houses, England and Wales, ed. R. Neville Hadcock and David Knowles (Harlow, 1971)

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Monasteries and Society in the British Isles in the Later Middle Ages, Studies in the History of Medieval Religion, 35, ed. Janet Burton and Karen Stöber (Boydell and Brewer: Woodbridge, 2008)

Monastic Matrix website - Llanllugan (View website)

Monastic Matrix website - Llansantffraid (View website)

Monastic Matrix website - Usk (View website)

Monastic Wales: New Approaches, ed. Janet Burton and Karen Stöber (University of Wales: Cardiff, 2013)

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Monmouth Priory website (View website)

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National Museum of Wales - Stone in Wales Conference 2002 (View website)

Neath Abbey - floor tile (View website)

Neath Abbey - floor tile (grotesque) (View website)

Neath Abbey - fourteenth-century floor tiles (View website)

Neath Abbey - fourteenth-century floor tile (View website)

Neath Abbey - fourteenth-century floor tile (shield) (View website)

Neath Abbey - half floor tile (View website)

Neath Abbey floor tile (lions) (View website)

Neath Abbey floor tile (heraldic shield) (View website)

Neath Abbey floor tile (knight on horseback) (View website)

Neath Abbey floor tile (shield with three fusils) (View website)

'Notes on Whitland Abbey', Transactions of the Carmarthenshire Antiquarian Society and Field Club, 14, part 38 (1919/1921), pp. 58-59

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, ed. H. C. G. Matthew and B. Harrison (Oxford, 2004)

Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Online (View website) (Subscription reqd.)

People's Collection Wales (View website)

People's Collection Wales - image of alabaster angel, Abergavenny, c.1450 (View website)

People's Collection Wales - images relating to Basingwerk Abbey (View website)

People's Collection Wales - images relating to Neath Abbey (View website)

People's Collection Wales - images relating to Penmon Priory (View website)

People's Collection Wales - images relating to Strata Marcella (View website)

People's Collection Wales - images relating to the Augustinians in Wales (View website)

People's Collection Wales - images relating to the Benedictines in Wales (View website)

People's Collection Wales - images relating to the Cistercians in Wales (View website)

People's Collection Wales - images relating to Tintern Abbey (View website)

Photograph of Cymer Abbey, Llanelltud, near Dolgellau (View website)

Photograph of excavations at Haverfordwest Priory, 1992 (View website)

Photograph of interior of Ewenny Priory Church (View website)

Picton and Slebech - Dyfed Archaeological Trust website (View website)

Pill Priory website (View website)

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Project Eliseg (View website)

Registrum Ade de Orleton, episcopi Herefordensis, Canterbury and York Society, 5, ed. A. T. Bannister (1908)

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Registrum Thome Myllyng, episcopi Herefordensis, 1474-1492, Canterbury and York Society, ed. Arthur Thomas Bannister (London, 1920)

Rood screen, Llanegryn Church (View website)

Rotuli Litterarum Clausarum, ed. Thomas Duffy Hardy (London, 1833-44)

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'Royal ruins safeguarded', Heritage in Wales, 2 (1998 (autumn))

Seal of Owain Glyn Dŵr (1404) (View website)

'Second county gathering at Strata Florida Abbey', Cardiganshire Antiquarian Society Transactions, 1 (1914), pp. 8-11

Silver seal of the Abbot of Neath, 14th century (View website)

Slebech Park website (View website)

St David of Wales: Cult, Church and Nation, Studies in Celtic History, ed. J. Wyn Evans and Jonathan M. Wooding (Boydell: Woodbridge, 2007)

St Davids Episcopal Acta 1085-1280, Publications of the South Wales Record Society, 13, ed. J. Barrow (South Wales Record Society: Cardiff, 1998)

St Mary's and St Nicholas's Church, Beaumaris (View website)

St Mary's Parish Church, Cardigan: stained glass window with fifteenth-century fragments (View website)

St Peter's Church, Carmarthen, website (View website)

Statuta Capitulorum Generalium Ordinis Cisterciensis ab Anno 1116 ad Annum 1786, 8 vols, ed. Josef Canivez (Louvain, 1933-1941)

Stone head from Abbey Cwm-hir (View website)

Stone head from Abbey Cwmhir: side view (View website)

Strata Florida - fourteenth-century floor tile (View website)

Strata Florida Abbey = Abaty Ystrad Fflur (J.M.F. Bookbinding Services: Lampeter, 1989)

Talley Abbey - fifteenth-century copper alloy seal (View website)

Taxatio Ecclesiastica Anglia et Walliae authoritate Papae Nicholai IV c. 1291, ed. T. Astle, S. Ayscough and J. Caley (London, 1802)

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The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Valle Crucis (View website)

The Ancient and Present State of Gloucestershire, ed. Robert Atkyns (London, 1712; repr. 1974)

The Autobiography of Gerald of Wales, ed. H. E. Butler (Boydell and Brewer: Woodbridge, 2005)

The Benedictines of Caldey Island (online book) (View website)

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The Black Book of Basingwerk, image (View website)

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The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Aberconwy (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Basingwerk (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Cwmhir (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Cymer (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Grace Dieu (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Llantarnam (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Margam (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Neath (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Strata Florida (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Strata Marcella (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Tintern (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Tintern Parva (View website)

The Cistercians in Yorkshire Project - Whitland (View website)

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The Heads of Religious Houses in England and Wales, II, 1216-1377, ed. D. M. Smith and V. London (CUP: Cambridge, 2001)

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The Knights Hospitaller in England: The Report of the Prior Philip de Thame to the Grand Master Elyan de Villanova for AD 1338, ed. L. B. Larking (Camden Society: London, 1857)

The Letters and Charters of Gilbert Foliot, Abbot of Gloucester (1139-48), Bishop of Hereford (1148-63), and London (1163-87), ed. Z. N. Brooke, completed by Dom Adrian Morey and C. N. L. Brooke (Cambridge, 1967)

The Libraries of the Cistercians, Gilbertines and Premonstratensians, Corpus of Mediaeval Library Catalogues, 3, ed. David Bell (London, 1992)

'The life of Robert de Bethune by William de Wycombe: translation with introduction and notes' (BLitt dissertation: University of Oxford, 1951)

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The Magor Pill Wreck, CBA Research Report 115, ed. N. Nayling (Council for British Archaeology: 1998)

'The Manors of the Cardiff district: Descriptions', in Cardiff Records, 2, ed. John Hobson Matthews (British History Online, Institute of Historical Research: 1900), pp. 8-41

'The Medieval Cloister in England and Wales', Journal of the British Archaeological Association, 159, ed. J. McNeil and M. Henig (2006)

'The Parish Church [Llanllugan]', in An Inventory of the Ancient Monuments in Wales and Monmouthshire, ed. Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments and Constructions in Wales and Monmouthshire (London, 1911), p. 119

'The patent rolls of Richard III: licence to William, abbot of Margam monastery, to exchange lands, etc., with Richard, abbot of Tewkesbury Monastery', Archaeologia Cambrensis, 4th series, 13:49 (1882), pp. 73-4

'The Register and Chronicle of the abbey of Aberconwy', in Camden Miscelleny, 1, Camden Society old series, 39, ed. H. Ellis (London, 1847), pp. 1-23

The Register of John de Trillek, Bishop of Hereford (1344-1361), ed. J. H. Parry (Hereford, 1910)

The Royal Charters Relating to the Town and County of Carmarthen and the Abbeys of Talley and Tygwyn-ar-Daf by J. R. Daniel-Thyssen, Esq. F.S.A. of Brighton, ed. A. C. Evans (William Spurrell: Carmarthen, 1878)

The Rule of St Albert (translation) (View website)

The Strata Florida Project (View website)

The Taxatio Database (View website)

'Tintern Abbey', Journal of the British Archaeological Association, new series, 35 (1929), pp. 54-57

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Transcript and translation of oath of allegiance to Henry VIII, 1534 (View website)

'Translated extracts from Welsh and Latin records: Introduction', in Cardiff Records, 5, ed. John Hobson Matthews (1905)

Twelfth-century Norman font, Brecon Priory (View website)

Twelfth-Century Statutes from the Cistercian General Chapter, Cîteaux Commentaria cistercienses, Studia et documenta, 12, ed. C. Waddell (Brecht, 2002)

'Two Chartularies of the Augustinian Priory of Bruton and the Cluniac Priory of Montacute, Somerset', Somerset Record Society, 8, ed. H. Maxwell-Lyte (1894)

'Two deeds relating to Neath Abbey', Publications, South Wales & Monmouth Record Society, 2, ed. A. G. Foster (1950), pp. 201-6

Usk Priory: medieval stained glass window (View website)

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Valor ecclesiasticus temp. Henr. VIII. Auctoritate regia institutus, Record Commission. Great Britain, 6, vols, ed. John Caley and J. Hunter (London, 1810-1834, reprint 1976)

View of Neath Abbey (View website)

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